
L&P Attorneys Teach “Post-Grant Patent Practice” Course for PRG

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L&P attorneys, Kevin Laurence and Matt Phillips, will again co-teach their “Post-Grant Patent Practice” Advanced Course for the Patent Resources Group.   This two-and-half-day course (15.0 hours of CLE credit) concentrates on inter partes review (IPR) but also covers post-grant review (PGR), covered business method (CBM) patent review, ex parte reexamination, reissue, supplemental examination, and ethical issues (1.5 hours) that relate to post-issuance proceedings.  Kevin and Matt share their collective experience in over 100 IPRs and many other post-issuance proceedings with course attendees.

This marks the tenth anniversary of the PRG post-grant course.  Kevin and Matt began teaching a version of the course in 2009, then focused on reexamination and reissue.  “The content and focus of the course has evolved as the post-grant landscape has changed, most drastically with the America Invents Act and its creation of new trial proceedings at the PTAB,” remarked Laurence.  

Event Information

·       Date:  April 10–12, 2019

·       Location:  Hyatt Regency, Sarasota, Florida

Kevin Laurence